Sober living houses are facilities that provide safe housing and supportive, structured living conditions for people exiting treatment or new in recovery.
Sober living has been proven to greatly improve chances of remaining sober after inpatient care or detox. Some of the benefits include •constant guidance and support •smoother transition to independent living •lower risk of relapse •Help finding employment •Improved relationship with friends and family
The most basic and fundamental rule at sober living is abstinence from drugs and alcohol. This is enforced by random drug testing. There are other house rules such as curfew, completing chores, curfew and regular attendance at step meetings.
The Promises offers a range of room and pricing options in an effort to meet everyone’s needs. If you are interested in living at The Promises it is best to contact us directly to discuss your specific needs.
Clients commit to 90 days and then go to a month to month basis for as long as they need to transition to their next home.
The promises provides a safe and stable living environment to ease the transition from treatment to the “real world “. We help keep you accountable in the crucial beginning phases of recovery.